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Dear Neighbors,
I am beyond proud serving our community and being committed to making a difference in the City of San Ramon. I have a vision for our community: one that is inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous for all residents. Together, with your support, I know we will make a positive difference.
Times change, and so too must our approach to city government. Challenges in economic growth, public safety, and sustainability demand new thinking and creative solutions. This city government needs to be agile, responsive, and forward-thinking to adapt to newer realities and yet remain faithful to values that make this community strong. We need to embrace change and continue working together to ensure San Ramon remains a vibrant, successful community for all of its residents.
Your comments and assistance are key to the enfranchisement of our community. Come join me on this journey moving forward to make a greater San Ramon. We are unified and stronger, building our future together. We can address our difficulties together, honor our diversity, and create a city we all can be proud of.
With Gratitude,
Robert Jweinat
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